for yor

  • price from ___ per day
  • insurance included
  • discount for rent over 2 weeks
  • fully equipped premium class caravans
  • rent for vacations or as test-drive before buy
Choose your camper
Main conditions of caravan rent:
Download our contract to know all the conditions.
You don’t need special permissions to enter the other city with teardrop camper
Travel to places you always wanted and where
 big trailers cannot pass.
All terrain suspension bar.
Сan be towed by any car with a hitch
Get more ideas where to go!

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Do you want to try our caravan before deciding to buy it? We offer short and long term rentals. Prices start from 55 euros per day for a 7-day rental. A security deposit of 900 euros is required.

Advance booking is required at least two months before the rental period and availability is to be confirmed. Please feel free to contact us for details.
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or virtual tour in caravan!
Are you planning a road trip and looking for the perfect camper to explore the great outdoors? Look no further! We offer virtual tours and consultations to help you choose the camper that suits your needs.

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